Nostradamus (1503-1566)

NotradamusMichel Nostradamus was a 16th-century French physician and astrologer. His modern followers see him as a prophet. His prophecies have a magical quality for those who study them: They are muddled and obscure before the predicted event, but become crystal clear after the event has occurred.

Nostradamus wrote four-line verses (quatrains) in groups of 100 (centuries). (Note: All quatrains below in modern French are translations from The translator prefers to remain anonymous.) Skeptics consider the "prophecies" of Nostradamus to be mainly gibberish. For example:

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
Du ciel viendra grand Roy deffrayeur
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angoumois.*
Avant après Mars régner par bonheur.

The year 1999 seven months
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
To resuscitate the great king of the Mongols. Before and after Mars reigns by good luck. (X.72)*

Nobody, not even the most fanatical of Nostradamus's disciples, had a clue what this passage might have meant before July 1999. However, after John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn Bessette and her sister Lauren Bessette, were killed in a plane crash on July 18, 1999, the retroprophets shoehorned the event to the "prophecy." Here is just one example culled from the Internet:


A morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th.

Friday is Frigga's Day. Frigga (Frigg) was an ancient Scandinavian fertility and love goddess, equivalent to the Roman Venus who had been worshipped on the sixth day of the week. Christians called Frigga a witch and Friday the witches' Sabbath; modern Wiccans are happy to oblige.


Channeling is a process whereby an individual (the "channeler") claims to have been invaded by a spirit entity which speaks through the channeler. The channeling craze began in earnest in 1972 with the publication of Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts and Robert Butts, her husband. They claim that "Seth," a very wise "unseen entity," communicated his wisdom to Jane, who dictated to Butts while she was in a trance. Though Roberts, a somewhat accomplished poet, was obviously very literate and widely read in many religious and occult traditions (including Jung), her advocates portray her as communicating ideas beyond her ability. They take this as proof she was inspired. This is true: Roberts and Butts were probably inspired by the depth of human credulity.

déjà vu

Déjà vu is French for "already seen." Déjà vu is an uncanny feeling or illusion of having already seen or experienced something that is being experienced for the first time. If we assume that the experience is actually of a remembered event, then déjà vu probably occurs because an original experience was neither fully attended to nor elaborately encoded in memory. If so, then it would seem most likely that the present situation triggers the recollection of a fragment from one's past. The experience may seem uncanny if the memory is so fragmented that no strong connections can be made between the fragment and other memories.

Indian rope trick

This alleged trick, reportedly witnessed by thousands of people, involves an Indian fakir who throws a rope to the sky, but the rope does not fall back to the ground. Instead it mysteriously rises until the top of it disappears into thin air, the darkness, the mist, whatever. Now, that would be trick enough for most people, but this one allegedly goes on. A young boy climbs the unsupported rope, which miraculously supports him until he disappears into thin air, the mist, the darkness, whatever. That, too, would be trick enough for most of us, but this one continues. The fakir then pulls out a knife, sword, scimitar, whatever and climbs the rope until he, too, disappears into thin air, mist, darkness, whatever. Again, this would a great trick even if it stopped here. But, no. It continues.

Body parts fall from the sky onto the ground, into a basket next to the base of the rope, whatever. Now, that's quite common in some neighborhoods and would not count as much of a trick. But the fakir allegedly then slides down the rope and empties the basket, throws a cloth over the scattered body parts, whatever, and the boy miraculously reappears with all his parts in the right places. That would be a great trick, especially since it must be done in the open without the use of engineers, technicians, electronics, satellite feeds, television cameras, whatever.

Geller's Mysterious Number 11

The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11

*September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2+5+4 = 11

*After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

*119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11 (reverse the numbers and you have the date)
[not true: Iran's country code is 98 (9+8=17), Iraq's is 964 (9+6+4= 19); Saudi Arabia's code is 966 (9+6+6=21.)]

*Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like
the number 11

*The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11 by
*American Airlines or AA
- A=1st letter in alphabet so we have again 11:11

*State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union

*New York City - 11 Letters

*The USS Enterprise is in the gulf during the attack; its ship number is 65N 6+5=11 [Or, maybe not. I received the following in an email: "We were actually about 12 hours away from the equator (I know this because we were about to have our crossing the line ceremony that night) on our way to South Africa. We had left the Gulf about a week before that and were relieved by the USS John Stennis (CVN-74 but also adding up to 11)."]

*Afghanistan - 11 Letters

*The Pentagon - 11 Letters

*Ramzi Yousef - 11 Letters (convicted or orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993)

*Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11

*Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11

*The # of story is 110 (2x) 110 - 110 Remember that the zero "0" is not a number, so we have 11:11

*The house where they believed to have lived had # 10001 again don't count the zero.....

Names that have eleven letters
*Air Force One, *George W. Bush, *Bill Clinton, *Saudi Arabia, *ww terrorism, *Colin Powell U.S. Secretary of State

*Remembrance day is November 11....

is also the 11th month

*Mohamed Atta, the pilot that crashed into the World Trade Centre.

, American Airlines AA = 11

catch you tomorrow with more interesting articles,bbye.

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